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- Textiles
Head of Faculty
Mr Stuart Higham
Subject Leader
Mrs Gill Cameron
To equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to become successful, innovative young designers and makers.
Have a critical understanding of Textiles impact on daily life and the wider world.
Use creativity and imagination to solve real and relevant problems
Draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art
Use relevant research which helps guide the design process
Engage in an iterative process of designing and making
Not be afraid to take risks, prototype, fail, draw conclusions and improve designs.
Why are products designed in a certain way?
What is iterative design?
How does design of the past influence the modern world?
Why is creativity so important?
Why do products evolve?
What impact does technology have on social change?
What impact do products have on the environment?
Year 7 & 8
Textiles is taught within the main Design and Technology:
Year 7 - Day of the Dead badge – textiles project using upcycling. 6Rs, sustainability, fabrics and construction types, hand stitching, embellishments.
Year 8 - LED lanterns – electronics project. Introduction to electronic components, soldering, circuit boards, silhouette graphics. Use of combined materials with textiles, wood, sublimation printing and electronics.
Year 9 Option
Introduction to Textiles – Fibres and Fabrics, tacking, hand stitching, decorative stitching. Set-up and use of sewing machine. Seam allowance, plain seams, sequins, applique, reverse applique, stencilling, block printing, fabric pens, crayons and transfer printing.
Batch production decorations – using their hand skills students design and make a batch of hanging decorations for a festival of their choice.
Cushion project – students use their skills and knowledge and apply it to an envelope cushion cover.
Soft Toy project – students learn to follow a basic pattern to make a soft toy.
Year 10 GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology (Textiles)
Introduction to Textiles - Fibres and Fabrics, a wide range of embellishment and decorative textile techniques and setting-up and using the sewing machine. A range of seams taught.
Folder cover project – students design and make their own personalised cover for their Textiles folder.
Light-up bag – students learn electronics theory and apply it to making their own light up zipper bag using e-textiles. They learn how to applying fastenings to fabric in a variety of ways.
A range of short practical tasks including wood theory and designing and making their own Computer Aided Designed button, learning about mechanisms and levers and how they apply to the sewing machine, plastics, paper and card and smart material knowledge.
Dress a girl around the world – a project to follow patterns and make your own to design and make a dress or shorts for charity that goes to a boy or girl in a country less fortunate than us.
June & July – Non-Examined Assessment (paper 2) Following a context set by the exam board
Year 11 GCSE Edexcel Design and Technology (Textiles)
September – February - Non-Examined Assessment (paper 2). Continuation, students research, design and make a textiles product and then evaluate.
Paper 1 – Core materials and Textiles revision (paper 1)