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Public Examinations
Students must sign in via reception with their ID card.
The John Warner School is currently approved as a centre for four examination boards:
This means that The John Warner School has access to all of the courses run by these boards and the associated assessments – usually examinations. Departments choose the courses they wish to follow and most choose courses from the first three in the list.
General Certificate of Secondary Education
All students sit GCSE exams at the end of Year 11. For one or two qualification units may be taken during Year 10.
There are English Language and Maths “re-sit” courses in Year 12.
General Certificate of Education
'A' levels are taught over 2 years and most are examined in the final year. In Year 13 most students specialise in 3 subjects. Most also have the opportunity to complete the LiBF Certificate in Financial Studies.
The Examinations Department
Exams at The John Warner School are managed by Ms Carol McGrath. Please contact her in the first instance on any exam matters on exams@johnwarner.herts.sch.uk