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Higher Education & Careers
The future holds a wealth of opportunities for our students, and as such the resources below are designed to help them start thinking about and preparing for their next steps once they complete their studies at John Warner.
Many students will want to continue their studies at university, and nationally this remains the most popular option for students post 18. The resources below will help students and parents to prepare for and submit their university applications.
Course / University Searching
Students need to begin thinking about what and where they would like to study. The resources below will allow students to search for courses and compare universities. Students will need to consider the entry requirements for courses they are interested in and be honest about how realistic those grades are.
- https://digital.ucas.com/search
- https://www.ukcoursefinder.com/
- https://www.theuniguide.co.uk/courses
- https://www.whatuni.com/
- https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/league-tables/rankings
University Open Days
All universities have open days where students can visit a university to find out about their courses and facilities. We encourage our students to visit as many universities as they can to help them make their decisions. Students should book early as places are often limited.
Summer Schools and Taster Courses
Many students will wish to boost their UCAS applications by taking part in summer schools and taster courses. Again, students will need to book early to avoid missing out.
- https://www.ucas.com/advisers/which-for-teachers/develop-your-skills-as-an-adviser/events-and-summer-schools-preparing-students-for-higher-education
- https://summerschools.suttontrust.com/
Online Learning Courses
In addition to summer schools and taster courses, students are encouraged to consider studying an online course to further their knowledge in their chosen fields of study. The links below provide further information on the vast range of online learning courses available.
- https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue
- https://www.classcentral.com/report/new-courses-october-2018/?fbclid=IwAR2-Fv8oWZzEo5YK43fM0i2jheskqByGNSf5GOjbyDSuEvL81H4V_hTDsBI
Student Finance
Studying at university does cost, and this is therefore is a consideration, but please do not be put off by what you hear in the media about the cost of university. Yes - the total cost can be very high but the means of borrowing and repaying the money is extremely reasonable, and the costs incurred are far outweighed by the increased earning power the degree will generate.
The links below provide further information linked to student finance:
- https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/student-life/getting-student-support/undergraduate-student-finance-and-support
- https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/students/student-loans-tuition-fees-changes/
Parental Guidance
Whilst this process is primarily the responsibility of the students, parents/carers/families will still be involved in the wider decision-making process, so the links below are specifically targeted in this area.
- https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/applying-university/ucas-undergraduate-advice-parents-and-guardians
- https://www.herts.ac.uk/about-us/education-liaison-and-outreach/getting-ready-for-university
Specific University Websites
Along with all of the above resources, each individual university will also have its own website with a wealth of information.
University is not for everyone, and some will want to head straight into the world of work and as such apprenticeships are now an extremely popular option for many students. An apprenticeship offers the opportunity to combine work and study, so you can earn and learn at the same time. The resources below provide more details and information about apprenticeships.
Work Experience
No matter what options students are considering, all students will benefit from completing work experience during their time in the sixth form. Whether it is to boost their CV or their university application, a high quality and relevant work experience placement is highly regarded.
As a school we encourage students to find their own sixth form work experience placements, as they should be seeking placements most directly linked to their future study or career interests.
Students are free to complete work experience at any point during their sixth form years, all we ask is that they inform us about when and where they are going.
The following websites provide useful advice and guidance in regard to securing a work experience placement:
Gap Years
Some students will decide to take a gap year after they finish their school studies. They may wish to travel, complete volunteer work, complete work experience, or save money in preparation for university. Some students will organise their own gap year whilst others may embark on an organised programme. The most important thing in regard to a gap year is that it must be purposeful and add value to a student’s CV or university application – it should not just be an opportunity to have a year off. Resources containing further information related to gap years are listed below.