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- Lifelong Learning
Head of Faculty
Mr Lee Bradbury
To support all young people to be happy, healthy, safe and to flourish
Disciplinary Concepts
- Careers
- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
- Citizenship
- Finance Education
Big Questions
- What is a healthy relationship?
- How can I achieve my ambitions for the future?
- What does it mean to be global citizen?
- What makes us all different?
- How can I make sure I stay safe?
- How can I lead a healthy lifestyle?
Curriculum Content
Year 7
Year 7
Students have two timetabled lifelong learning lessons per fortnight. Within these lessons students learn the Relationships, Sex and Healthy Education (RSHE) National Curriculum. Topics include Healthy Relationships, Staying Safe Online, Sexual Health, Drugs Education, Mental Well-being and Physical Well-being. Students also cover other topics of the Lifelong Learning curriculum in form time. Once a week students study a programme of topics which include citizenship, careers and finance education.
Year 8
Students have two timetabled lifelong learning lessons per fortnight. Within these lessons students learn the Relationships, Sex and Healthy Education (RSHE) National Curriculum. Topics include Healthy Relationships, Staying Safe Online, Sexual Health, Drugs Education, Mental Well-being and Physical Well-being. Students also cover other topics of the Lifelong Learning curriculum in form time. Once a week students study a programme of topics which include citizenship, careers and finance education.
Year 9
Students have two timetabled lifelong learning lessons per fortnight. Within these lessons students learn the Relationships, Sex and Healthy Education (RSHE) National Curriculum. Topics include Healthy Relationships, Staying Safe Online, Sexual Health, Drugs Education, Mental Well-being and Physical Well-being. Students also cover other topics of the Lifelong Learning curriculum in form time. Once a week students study a programme of topics which include citizenship, careers and finance education.
Year 10
Students study a Lifelong Learning programme in their form time sessions. One session per week is designated to the learning of topics which include Healthy Relationships (The impacts of stereotypes), Relationships, Sex and Health Education (Having choices), Careers, Citizenship (being a local citizen), Healthy Living (body image), Cultural Appreciation (Migration)
In Year 10 students also have a Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) lesson once per fortnight within their timetable. This gives students an opportunity to develop an understanding of Philosophical thought, as well as exploring some of the most debated ethical issues in society today.
Year 11
Students study a Lifelong Learning programme in their form time sessions. One session per week is designated to the learning of topics which include Healthy Relationships (Peer pressures), Relationships, Sex and Health Education (Staying safe online), Careers, Citizenship (British Values), Healthy Living (Mental health).
In Year 11 students also have a Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) lesson once per fortnight within their timetable. This gives students an opportunity to develop an understanding of Philosophical thought, as well as exploring some of the most debated ethical issues in society today.
Year 12
Students study a Lifelong Learning programme in their form time sessions. One session per week is designated to the learning of topics which include Healthy Relationships (Pressures in life), Relationships, Sex and Health Education (Negative relationships), Careers, Religious Education (Religious views on peace and conflict), Citizenship (being a global citizen), Healthy Living (Staying Healthy), Cultural Appreciation (Art History).
Year 13
Students study a Lifelong Learning programme in their form time sessions. One session per week is designated to the learning of topics which include Healthy Relationships (Pressures in life), Relationships, Sex and Health Education (Infertility), Careers, Religious Education (Religious views on social justice), Citizenship (democracy), Healthy Living (Mental health).