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- Modern Foreign Languages
Head of Faculty
Ms Domna eliadou
We want to ignite our students’ curiosity about the wider world. By studying languages, our students will discover the skills and the confidence they need in order to flourish in our global and multicultural society.
Disciplinary Concepts
- Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking
- Grammar and vocabulary
- Translation
- Literary texts
- Linguistic competence
- Cultural knowledge and understanding of the wider world
- Transferable skills such as critical and creative thinking, independent study and problem solving
Big Questions
- Why do we study languages?
- Why can’t everyone speak English?
- What’s it like in…?
- How do you say…?
Curriculum Content
You can find a more detailed curriculum overview in the linked document below.
Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3)
All students start Year 7 learning French and either German or Spanish. At the end of Year 8 students can opt to continue studying both languages or decide to concentrate on one of their languages only.
In Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9) students will learn to talk about
- themselves and others
- where they live
- school
- likes, dislikes, hobbies and free time
- holidays
- healthy lifestyles
- what is important to them
- the world of work
Years 10-11 (GCSE)
We currently offer French, German, Spanish and Italian as both GCSE and A-level options.
In years 10-11 students study their chosen language or languages in more depth, covering these 5 themes:
- Identity and Culture
- Local area, holiday and travel
- School
- Future aspirations, study and work
- International and global dimension
Years 12-13 (A level)
At A level students study the language, literature and culture of the countries where their chosen language is spoken in even more detail. They also study one book and one film in depth.
Enrichment offer
- Italian
- Japanese
- Mandarin
- German exchange with the Maria Ward Schule in Mainz (Germany)
- Trips to France, Spain and Germany
- Cultural events in school (European Day of Languages, external speakers, theatre performances)
Exam information
Our exam board for both GCSEs and A levels is Edexcel.
Links to past papers and more:
Home languages
In addition to our regular languages offer, our students can sit exams in their home languages that they might be studying outside of school, for example GCSEs in Polish or A levels in Turkish.