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- Food and Nutrition
Head of Faculty
mr richard caranese
Subject Leader
mrs angela pettengell
"To ignite a passion for healthy living, discover the joy of cooking, and flourish through nutritious food choices."
This vision statement emphasizes the importance of inspiring students to develop a love for healthy living and an appreciation for the role that food plays in promoting overall well-being. By teaching students the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare nutritious, delicious meals, Food Preparation and Nutrition programs can help them discover the joy and satisfaction of cooking, and flourish as confident, capable, and health-conscious individuals who are equipped to make informed food choices that support their long-term health and well-being.
Disciplinary Concepts
- Food, nutrition and health
- Food science
- Food safety
- Food Choice
- Food provenance
Big Questions
- What are the basic food preparation skills and which would you pick?
- Which cooking methods and equipment would you select for your food production technique?
- What are macro & micronutrients?
- Making informed choices
- Why is food cooked and how is heat transferred?
- Functional and chemical properties of food
- What is food spoilage and contamination?
- What are the principles of food safety?
- Factors affecting food choice
- Environmental impact and sustainability of food
- Food processing and production
- Technological developments associated with better health
Curriculum Content
Year 9
An introduction to food, preparation and nutrition - An overview of the different areas within in food and nutrition. Developing practical skills which will help you create dishes for yourself as well as part of your course.
- Nutrition – what is a healthy lifestyle, why do people make specific food choices & an introduction to different types of nutrients
- Food provenance & sustainability – where does our food come from and how can we ensure we have food to eat
- Practical activities – developing and learning new practical skills
- Introduction to food safety and hygiene – how to keep you and the food you prepare safe in the kitchen.
Year 10 AQA GCSE
1: Nutrition – What is healthy diet? What are the consequences of not following a healthy diet & where do we get our nutrients from?
2: Food science – How do ingredients work? What causes them to change? Why is food science important to the foods we eat?
3: Food safety - Maintaining own personal safety in the kitchen. The importance of food hygiene and its’ impact on the food we eat. Reduction of risks.
4: food preparation (Practical) - A wide range of different practical skills leading to the develop, planning and preparation of dishes.
All of the above will be interlinked with the year 9 curriculum as it topic relies upon knowledge gained from other areas.
Food science and food practical lessons linked to the specific content.
Preparation for the formal assessments NEA1 (Autumn Year 11) & NEA2 (End Feb)
Year 11: AQA GCSE
Term 1: Preparation, research and completion - NEA1.
Term 2: Research, preparation and completion - NEA 2 (End Feb)
Term 2 & 3: Recap and revision of all content as covered in year 9 & year 10.
Year 12: WJEC Applied Level 3 Food and Nutrition (Certificate)
Unit 1: Meeting the needs of specific groups
- The importance of food safety
- Understand the properties of nutrients
- Understand the relationship between nutrients and the human body
- Be able to plan nutritional requirements
- Developing high level practical skills
This unit is assessed via an externally assessed exam (June) and an internally assessed Food practical task (incl. associated planning and evaluation documents)
Year 13: WJEC Applied Level 3 food and Nutrition (Diploma)
Unit 2 – Exam - Ensuring food is safe to eat
- How micro-organisms affect food safety
- How food can cause ill health
- How food safety is managed in different situations
Unit 3 - Experimenting to solve food production problems - Practical task
- The scientific properties of food
- Solving food production problems
- Scientific investigation into changes in food