


Deputy Head of Faculty

Miss May Naidoo


To have a rigorous, knowledge-based curriculum with practical science at the heart, which not only builds the foundations of core skills and learning but offers a wide range opportunities where pupils can discover and develop their own potential and skills needed to excel in the modern world

Disciplinary Concepts

  • Problem solving
  • Analysis
  • Cause and consequence
  • Models & interpretations
  • Calculation and manipulation
  • Individual and collective practical work

Big Questions

  • How do the sciences link to everyday life?
  • What is the universe made of?
  • What makes us human?
  • How do we beat bacteria?
  • Will we cure disease?
  • Why do we exist?
  • How is balance maintained?

Curriculum Content

Year 7

Skills - starting secondary science, Forces – Relative motion and gravity, Electromagnets – Circuits and static charge, Energy – Energy from fuels & energy stores, Waves – Sound & light, Matter – Particle model & separation, Reactions – Exploring acids & alkalis, Earth – Rock cycle and space, Organisms – Joints, muscles, cells and adaptations, Ecosystems – Food webs and plant fertilisation, Genes – Variation, reproductive systems & developing foetuses

Year 8

Skills - developing scientific skills, Forces – Drag, stretching and pressure, Electromagnets – Fields & electromagnets, Energy – Work, energy & temperature, Waves – Transverse & longitudinal waves, Matter – The periodic table & polymers, Reactions – Exothermic & endothermic reactions, combustion and thermal decomposition, Earth – Atmosphere & global warming, Organisms – Gas exchange, diet & the digestive system, Ecosystems – Aerobic & anaerobic respiration, leaves & photosynthesis, Genes – Natural selection, variance and inheritance

Year 9 AQA GCSE Triple Science

Biology – Cell structure & transport, Cell division, Organising animals & the digestive system, Organising animals & plants

Chemistry – Atomic structure, The periodic table, Structure & bonding, Chemical changes

Physics – Energy, Particle model of matter, Atomic structure, Electricity 

Year 10 AQA GCSE Triple Science

Biology – Communicable diseases, Preventing and treating disease, Non communicable diseases, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Human nervous system, Hormonal Coordination, Homeostasis in action

Chemistry – Quantitative chemistry, Electrolysis, Energy Changes, Rates & Equilibrium, Crude Oil & fuels

Physics – Electricity, Forces, Waves 

Year 11 AQA GCSE Triple Science

Biology – Reproduction, Variation & evolution, Genetics & evolution, Adaptations, Interdependence & competition, Organising and ecosystems, Biodiversity & ecosystems

Chemistry – Organic reactions, Polymers, Chemical analysis, Earth’s atmosphere, Earth’s resources, Using resources

Physics – Waves, Magnetism and Electromagnetism, Space

AQA A level biology 

Year 12

Biological molecules, Cells, Organisms exchange substances with their environment, Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms

Year 13

Energy transfers in and between organisms, Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments, Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems, The control of gene expression

AQA A level chemistry

Year 12

Physical chemistry

Atomic structure, Amount of substance, Bonding, Energetics, Kinetics, Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc, oxidation, reduction and redox equations

Inorganic chemistry

Periodicity, Group 2, the alkaline earth metals, Group 7(17), The halogens
Organic chemistry

Introduction to organic chemistry

Alkanes, Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, Organic analysis

Year 13

Physical chemistry

Thermodynamics, Rate equations, Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems, Electrode potentials and electrochemical cells, Acids and bases

Inorganic chemistry

Properties of period 3 elements and their oxides, Transition metals, Reactions of ions in aqueous solution

Organic chemistry

Optical isomerism, Aldehydes and ketones, Carboxylic acids and derivatives, Aromatic chemistry, Amines, Polymers, Amino acids, proteins and DNA, Organic synthesis, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Chromatography

AQA A level physics

Year 12

Measurements and their errors, Particles and radiation, Waves, Mechanics and materials, Electricity

Year 13

Further mechanics and thermal physics, Fields and their consequences, Nuclear physics, Astrophysics

BTEC Level 3 Applied Science

Year 12

Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science (exam)

Biology – cells, tissues, organs, nerve impulses

Chemistry – electronic structure, formulae, bonding, calculations, the periodic table, reactions

Physics – waves and communication.

Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques (coursework)

Learning aim A: Undertake titration and colorimetry to determine the concentration of solutions.

Learning Aim B: Undertake calorimetry to study cooling curves.

Learning Aim C: Undertake chromatographic techniques to identify components in mixtures.

Learning Aim D: Review personal development of scientific skills for laboratory work.

Year 13

Unit 3: Science Investigation Skills (practical exam)

Planning and carrying out scientific investigations, recording, presenting and analysing data, evaluating and drawing conclusions.

Unit 8: Physiology of Human Body Systems (coursework)

Learning Aim A: understand the impact of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and their associated corrective treatments.

Learning Aim B: understand the impact of disorder on the physiology of the lymphatic system and the associated corrective treatment.

Learning Aim C: explore the physiology of the digestive system and the use of corrective treatment for nutritional deficiency.