
Uniform & Equipment

It is the policy of The John Warner School that all pupils in Years 7-11 wear school uniform in school, coming to school and leaving school, and on official visits. Sixth Form students are also expected to follow a dress code. Our reasons for upholding this policy are numerous. To us all children are equally worthy of our regard and attention. We do not discriminate on any grounds and believe that uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the positive ethos of the school and setting the appropriate tone for learning.


Main uniform


131-135 Victoria Street,

St Albans, Herts AL1 3XS

Tel: 01727 815700

Visit stevensons.co.uk

PE Kit

Henry Tilly Sports Ltd

Unit 10 Metro Centre, Ronsons Way,Sandridge, St Albans, Herts AL4 9QT

Tel: 01727 843155

Please note - all school uniform items, except the school tie, can be purchased from a variety of retailers, including second-hand retailers. The school also maintains a collection of pre-loved uniform. Please email admin@johnwarner.herts.sch.uk if you would like to enquire about accessing any pre-loved uniform items.

Main School Uniform

Blazer                          Navy blue blazer with school badge

Skirt*                           Bedford Check Kilt, shortest length on the knee-cap

Trousers                     Plain black or dark grey straight-legged uniform trousers

Shirt with tie             Plain saxe-blue closed collar shirt with school tie

Shirt without tie      Plain saxe-blue open collar shirt

Shoes                           Strong, smart and plain black shoes with sensible heels

Socks                           Black, navy or grey ankle socks

Tights                          Black opaque tights (*must be worn with skirt)

Jumper                       V-necked jumper

Coat                              Conventional design


All students are required to wear the school blazer at all times unless permission has been granted by a member of staff.

The blazer is navy blue and must have the school crest attached to the breast pocket.


The skirt is a Bedford Check kilt. The shortest length must be on the knee cap. The skirt must be worn with black opaque tights.


Trousers must be plain black or dark grey straight-legged uniform trousers. Denim-type fabric, leggings, skinnies or jeans are not acceptable.

Shirt with tie

Plain saxe-blue closed collar shirt with school tie. The shirt must be tucked into the skirt or trousers at all times with the top button done up. The school tie, including the correct house colour stripe, should have the school crest showing below the knot.

Shirt without tie

Plain saxe-blue open collar shirt. The shirt must be tucked into the skirt or trousers at all times. A house-colour badge should be worn for those not wearing a tie.


Strong, smart and plain black shoes with sensible heels must be worn at all times. Trainers, sandals, boots and flip-flops are not acceptable.

Jewellery and Make-up

Earrings            One small stud earring in each ear lobe

Watches           Analogue or digital, not smart

Make-up           Discrete in Years 9-13. Not allowed in Years 7 and 8

Piercings          Only earrings (see above) – no other piercings allowed

Hairstyles        No extreme hairstyles such as unnatural colourings or excessively short cuts

Tattoos             Not allowed

Students may be asked to remove items of jewellery for practical activities such as Physical Education. The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to these items.

Exceptions to these requirements can be made for religious or medical reasons. These should be discussed with Heads of Years.

The definition of ‘acceptable appearance’ is at the discretion of the school and pupils are advised to check with their Head of Year if they are considering a change to their appearance that may breach any of the expectations stated above.


Pupils are discouraged from bringing valuable items into school.  The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage.

Additionally, mobile devices (including smart phones) must be switched off or on silent at all times during the school day, including break and lunchtimes, and remain so while students are on the school premises. The only exceptions to this are detailed in our Mobile Phone Acceptable Use Policy.

Any breach of the above rules, will result in confiscation with parent/carer being asked to collect the item from the main office at the end of the school day. Inappropriate use of mobile technology, including use in class without permission, taking photographs in school without consent or sending/viewing offensive content will be dealt with under the school’s Behaviour Policy.

School bag

Pupils need to have a sturdy, roomy, waterproof school bag to carry books and equipment. The bag should be closed by a zip or secure fastening.

PE Kit

¼ zip warm top         Navy/white – compulsory for girls optional for boys

Shorts/skort               Navy/sky blue games shorts or skort - compulsory

Rugby shirt                  Navy/sky blue reversible shirt – compulsory for boys

Polo shirt                     Navy/sky blue/white polo shirt - compulsory

Socks                            Navy/sky blue contrast socks - compulsory

Boots                             Football boots – compulsory for boys

Trainers                        Any colour, no high tops or canvas - compulsory

Gym bag                      Navy blue gym bag - optional

Leggings                      Navy or black ¾ or full length - optional

Base layer                   Navy or black - optional

Gum shield                 Highly advised for hockey and rugby practice/matches 

Sixth Form Dress Code

Jacket or blazer             Smart style and colour

Skirt or dress                  Smart style and colour

Trousers                           Smart style and colour

Shirt with tie                  Closed collar shirt tucked into trousers or skirt with tie

Shirt without tie           Open collar shirt tucked into trousers or skirt

Shoes                                Strong, smart and plain shoes with sensible heels

Socks                                 Black, navy or grey ankle socks

Tights                                 Dark opaque tights

Jumper                            V-necked jumper

Coat                                   Conventional design and dark in colour

ID Badges                        All sixth form students must also wear their identification badge at all times.

Jacket or Blazer

All sixth form students are required to wear a blazer or jacket at all times.

The blazer or jacket should be of a smart style and a plain colour.



For your child to settle into school as quickly as possible, it helps to have the correct equipment for the various subjects. Our Code of Conduct makes it very clear that we expect our pupils to ‘Be READY’ which includes having the right equipment.

We would encourage all pupils to have the following equipment to ensure they are ready to learn in September.

Basic equipment

  • a waterproof bag to carry books and equipment
  • pencil case
  • a selection of pens in blue, black, and green as well as highlighters
  • 15cm/30cm ruler
  • pencil
  • pencil sharpener
  • eraser
  • colour pencils
  • glue
  • scissors
  • Oxford Mini Dictionary and Thesaurus

Mathematics equipment

  • metal compass
  • protractor
  • scientific calculator (e.g. Casio FX -85GTPLUS)

Art equipment

  • sketch book A4 ring bound or stapled
  • water colour/paint
  • sketching pencil
  • paint brushes