
Safeguarding and eSafety

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.  In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively. All practitioners should make sure their approach is child-centred.  This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.  (Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023)

At The John Warner School, we recognise the importance of collaborative working when it comes to safeguarding. As part of this, we are continually providing our staff and volunteers with training opportunities to develop their knowledge, educating our students on the role that they play, whilst also liaising with and supporting parents and carers.

Our designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Megan Creasey.  Please contact her in the first instance if you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of students in the school.

Megan Creasey

For any concerns from parents, students or members of the community, please email safeguardinglead@johnwarner.herts.sch.uk


The safety and wellbeing of our students at The John Warner School is of paramount importance both in terms of the physical world but of equal importance is that of the online world. To ensure that the education we provide our students with is suitable to equip them for a changing world, we need to ensure that they are aware of the benefits and dangers of online platforms. So many activities and experiences now take place online that we need to ensure they are equipped with skills for life.

There are 4 main areas of online safety that we work with students to develop their understanding of:


In school, we ensure that the appropriate filtering and monitoring systems are in place and that their effectiveness is regularly reviewed. The systems are in place to filter and monitor the content that students are able to access, to ensure that this is safe and appropriate, whilst also ensuring that over-blocking does not restrict what students can be taught with regards to online teaching and safeguarding.

The majority of cyberbullying incidents take place outside of school hours. We explain to students that their online conduct outside hours still needs to meet the high standards of behaviour we would expect in school and all reports of cyberbullying will be investigated and taken seriously.

If you need to report an incident, please contact your son/daughter’s Head of Year in the first instance. We are here to support you and we will do whatever we can to help and keep students safe. If the incident occurs outside of our jurisdiction, it may be necessary for us to advise you to call the police non-emergency number (101).


Parent and carer guides: 

Snapchat / Tiktok / Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / Staying Safe Online / Social Media & Mental Health

Visit ceop.police.uk


As well as the revised HSCB Child Protection & Safeguarding Children Procedures 2010, you will find lots of useful information, guidance and support on the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board website.

Visit hertfordshire.gov.uk


Visit Childline

Visit Childnet

Visit Thinkuknow

A useful links page provided by School of Sexual Education provides a wealth of advice and support for our young people and their families.

Useful Links — School of Sexuality Education (schoolofsexed.org)

REPORT REMOVE - The NSPCC has launched a service where you can remove a nude image that has been shared online. 

Remove a nude image shared online | Childline


Page Downloads Date  
JWS Child Protection Safeguarding Policy September 2023 09th May 2024 Download
X formerly known as Twitter 09th May 2024 Download
What parents need to know about Social Media Mental Health 09th May 2024 Download
TikTok 09th May 2024 Download
Staying safe online factsheet 09th May 2024 Download
Snapchat 09th May 2024 Download
Instagram 09th May 2024 Download
Facebook 09th May 2024 Download
Working together to safeguard children 09th May 2024 Download
10 tips to help your child stay safe online 09th May 2024 Download
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 09th May 2024 Download